Friday, January 4, 2008

Leave Your Question here

Leave a question here and I'll try my best to answer it. I will answer it with a post, so check back!

Sign Up Now in Support of Blessed Christ Days!

Leave a comment here if you are going to support "Blessed Christ Days" in 2008! Let me know how you feel about it.

Why not change the world?

Aloha All,
I'm so sick of hearing how "Christ" is taken out of Christmas. You can't even find "Him" in the stores. There are Wishing Stars, Wish Lists, Winter Holidays, Happy Holidays, etc... The list goes on.
There are Christian organizations that hoot and howl about "Christ" being taken out of Christmas each year and, more and more, it feels as if it's all about materialism. No, it IS all about materialism. I don't know about you, but I find the "holidays" stressful and unfulfilling. I'm simply unable to focus on the important issues during this time.
Most Christians would be astonished to learn that the day we celebrate "Christmas" is not really Jesus Christ's birthday at all. In fact, it was a pagan holiday. That's where the trees and santa comes from. The Catholic Church (and, this is not to say anything bad about the Catholic Church, it's just to give a point of origin) took the pagan holiday and literally made it into a Christian holiday by tagging Christ's birth onto it. This all happened as the world was coming out of the Dark Ages--a time and place when it was much needed.
Christ's real birthday happened during the Feast of Tabernacles, which occurs during early Fall. It's a lot like Easter, in that it "floats" with the holiday or Feast Day, which is a different date each year. It's a lot like Hanukah, in that the "Feast" is observed over a period of days. The Feast of Tabernacles is literally God "dwelling" with us. A Feast day isn't about eating, it's an appointed time that God gave to Israel--to all of us. It was no mistake that Jesus died on the Feast of Passover and was raised on the Feast of First Fruits and the Holy Spirit came on the Feast of Pentecost. God made no mistakes when He set those appointments. He made it very clear that these were very special days that were and are going to be fulfilled through His son, Jesus Christ. The first being the Feast of Tabernacles!
I guess I'm writing to everyone to suggest that maybe we, as Christians, start celebrating Christ's birth at the appropriate time -- during His birth week. We could start on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles each year. I suggest we all pull out our manger scenes and get out the Bible and tell the real story of Christ's birth. Tell a different portion of it each night. Sing Christmas Carols. Light candles. We can have a small gift each night for our family members to open at the end of the festivities. We can have hot cocoa, egg nog, sparkling cider, treats and sit around and reflect and react to the birth of our Savior. Our celebration can take an entire week and end on the "Last Great Day" which always falls at the end of the Feast of Tabernacles. That day we can have the big dinner with our families and crescendo on the greatest note of all (whatever that would look like for your family).
All this to say, let's put Christ back into His real birthday. Let's turn our world upside down by celebrating "Blessed Christ Days" when they should be celebrated. Let's give the pagans back what is theirs..."render unto Caesar what is Caesars" and start a new and better tradition. It's time for Christians to stop whining and take control.
Then, if you truly want to celebrate the "winter holidays" with the rest of the world, by all means, but up your pine tree, don the lights and love santa up! However, you can tell your children and your children's children the truth. Blessed Christ Days is about history, truth and a reality that the one true God loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us, whereas santa is a make believe figure who is fun, just like cartoons are.
Let me know what you think.
This year Feast of Tabernacles is: October 14-21, with the Last Great Day on October 21.
Are you with me?
Please forward this to anyone you think might be interested. Let's send this idea around the world and then put it into affect. I'm ready to be a world changer! How about you?
Those who want to get a hold of me can contact me at
Karen Welsh
Hilo, Hawaii
P.S. I wanted to start this now so we could put it on our calendars and prepare!